Euler Paths
An implementation of multigraphs in Maxima and an approach to deciding whether a path in a multigraph is an Euler path or not.
An implementation of multigraphs in Maxima and an approach to deciding whether a path in a multigraph is an Euler path or not.
A NetworkX-based implementation of greedy edge-colouring for graphs in graph6 format. Using this implementation we investigate the average case performance on all non-isomorphic, connected simple graphs of at most nine vertices.
An implementation of a filter for Moore graphs in graph6 format in Python using the NetworkX and igraph packages
Calculating the chromatic index of all graphs on at most nine vertices with ten edges or fewer.
Finding Moore graphs on at most ten vertices.
Reproducing Gordon Royle’s table of chromatic numbers of connected graphs as far as graphs of order eight.
Reproducing Royle’s table of chromatic number distributions.
A script for computing the chromatic number, based on the Tutte polynomial.
Computing chromatic polynomials in Python.
An alternative to the greedy algorithm for vertex colouring.
Improved greedy colouring of small graphs with Culberson’s colouring programs.
Compare greedy strategies for colouring small graphs.
An introduction to gvpr.
Drawing coloured queen graphs with Graphviz.
Introducing Culberson’s graph colouring programs.
Introducing the Lombardi Spirograph
Explore the world of graph drawing in Python with NetworkX. Learn how to visualize named graphs like the Petersen graph using spring or shell layouts, and efficiently draw large graphs with numerous nodes and edges.
A caterpillar is a tree such that removal of its endpoints leaves a path graph. A lobster is a tree having the property that the removal of leaves leaves a caterpillar. In this post we show how to use Gephi ( to create plane drawings of large lobster graphs.