A Chromatic Number Program

By Matthew Henderson in graph-theory

July 18, 2014

The chromatic polynomial \(\chi(G, \lambda)\) allows us to determine the chromatic number of \(G\) as \(\chi(G) = \min\{\lambda \in \{1,\ldots,\Delta(G) + 1\}\,|\, \chi(G, \lambda) > 0\}\)

Computationally, though, the chromatic polynomial is an expensive object to construct. However, we can still use this method to calculate the chromatic numbers of small graphs.

In this blog we try to find more than one method for every calculation and for every method we try to give more than one implementation. This is because, ultimately, we hope to have reliable, reproducible results. As far as reliability goes, redundancy in our data is important and so, for this reason, here we provide another implementation of the chromatic number based on the chromatic polynomial.

In the previous post we used exclusively NetworkX for the implementation. Here we use traditional GNU utilities like Sed, cat, tr and tail, the Graphviz program gvpr, the GNU Maxima computer algebra system and an implementation of the Tutte polynomial by Haggard, Pearce and Royle.

Chromatic Numbers of Small DOT Graphs

Our program, which is little more than a wrapper script, takes as input a graph in DOT format and outputs the chromatic number. The program works by following the four steps below.

  1. compute the maximum degree of the input graph,
  2. convert the Graphviz data file into the input graph format used by the tutte program,
  3. compute the chromatic polynomial using tutte,
  4. compute the chromatic number using GNU Maxima.

The only non-trivial work here is done by the tutte and Maxima programs. Our script is simply a driver or wrapper providing a convenient interface. In fact, the dependency on GNU Maxima here could doubtless be removed because tutte is able to compute values of the polynomials it computes.

In a forthcoming post we will use the program described in this post to reproduce, and hopefully extend, the data from last week’s post on chromatic numbers of small graphs. In the rest of this post we describe each of the four steps above in detail.

Maximum Degree Computation

Some graph data formats include parameter data like number of vertices and number of edges. In this context we assume that we have a graph in DOT format without any additional parameter data. As it turns out, the tutte program infers the parameter data it needs from the graph input. So we are only left with need to calculate the maximum degree which is needed outside of tutte as the upper limit of the main loop.

A gvpr program, maxdeg computes the maximum and minimum degree of graphs in DOT format.

$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MHenderson/graphs-collection/master/src/Classic/Chvatal/chvatal.gv\
  | gvpr -f maxdeg
max degree = 4, node 0, min degree = 4, node 0

To use this program in our final pipeline we simply scrape out the maximum degree value from this output using Sed:

$ ...
  | sed -n 's/max degree = \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'

Convert Graph Format

The input format for tutte is quite similar to the DOT format that we are using as the input format for our program. In the tutte format, edges are designated by a string of the form x--y and a graph is a comma separated list of edges.

To convert a graph in DOT format into the tutte input format can thus be accomplished by:

  1. matching edges of the form x -- y; and replacing them with edges of the form x--y,,
  2. removing all whitespace, including newlines,
  3. removing the final, extraneous comma.

A pipeline involving Sed and tr is by no means the only way to accomplish this sequence of replacements but suffices for our purposes.

$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MHenderson/graphs-collection/master/src/Classic/Chvatal/chvatal.gv\
  | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\) -- \([0-9]*\);/\1--\2,/p'\
  | tr -d ' \t\n\r\f'\
  | sed '$s/.$//'

Compute the Chromatic Polynomial

There is almost nothing to this step. We simply call the tutte program on the data from the previous step and scrape the output for the polynomial string result.

The important options for tutte in this context are --stdin which tells tutte to expect input from standard input and --chromatic which asks for the chromatic, as opposed to Tutte, polynomial.

$ curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MHenderson/graphs-collection/master/src/Classic/Chvatal/chvatal.gv
  | sed -n -e 's/\([0-9]*\) -- \([0-9]*\);/\1--\2,/p'
  | tr -d ' \t\n\r\f'| sed '$s/.$//'
  | tutte --chromatic --stdin
G[1] := {0--1,0--4,0--6,0--9,1--2,1--5,1--7,2--3,2--6,2--8,3--4,3--7,3--9,4--5,4--8,5--10,5--11,6--10,6--11,7--8,7--11,8--10,9--10,9--11}
CP[1] := -1 * x * ( 1994*(1-x) + 7427*(1-x)^2 + 12339*(1-x)^3 + 12360*(1-x)^4 + 8445*(1-x)^5 + 4191*(1-x)^6 + 1559*(1-x)^7 + 438*(1-x)^8 + 91*(1-x)^9 + 13*(1-x)^10 + 1*(1-x)^11 ) :

The chromatic polynomial is everything between G[1] := and :. This delimitation makes extraction with Sed easy:

$ ...
  | sed -n 's/^CP\[1\] :=\(.*\) :/\1/p'
 -1 * x * ( 1994*(1-x) + 7427*(1-x)^2 + 12339*(1-x)^3 + 12360*(1-x)^4 + 8445*(1-x)^5 + 4191*(1-x)^6 + 1559*(1-x)^7 + 438*(1-x)^8 + 91*(1-x)^9 + 13*(1-x)^10 + 1*(1-x)^11 )

Compute the Chromatic Number

Now that we have a string representation of the chromatic polynomial we compute the chromatic number as the least positive integer for which the represented polynomial has a positive value. As \(\chi(G) \leq \Delta(G) + 1\) for all graphs \(G\), this can require the computation of most \(\Delta(G) + 1\) values of the chromatic polynomial.

To compute a value of the chromatic polynomial from the string representation output by tutte we use the GNU Maxima computer algebra software. The at command of Maxima returns the value of its first argument polynomial string at the value of variables given in the second argument. For example, if cp is the string from the previous step then at(cp, x = 0) is the value of the polynomial represented by cp at x = 0.

m: `\({max_degree}\)`
cp: `\({cp}\)`
chi: for i: 1 thru m + 1 do
       if at(cp, x = i) > 0 then return (i)$

Maxima is an interactive program but can also be used non-interactively through the --batch or --batch-string options. The latter is sufficient for us, because our Maxima program is very short.

m: `\({max_degree}\)`
cp: `\({cp}\)`
chi: for i: 1 thru m + 1 do
       if at(cp, x = i) > 0 then return (i)$

maxima --batch-string="$s"

The default output of Maxima includes a license header and all input and output, including labels. The header can be switched off using the --very-quiet option. This option also removes the labels from input and output text. So now to scrape out the chromatic number itself we use tail to restrict our view of the output to the last line. The chromatic number is centred on this line so we remove whitespace using tr.

maxima --very-quiet --batch-string="$s"\
  | tail -n 1\
  | tr -d ' \t\r\f'

Source Code

Posted on:
July 18, 2014
6 minute read, 1090 words
maxima bash graphviz
See Also:
Euler Paths
Greedy Edge Colouring of Small Graphs
Small Moore Graphs