Chromatic Polynomials

By Matthew Henderson in graph-theory

July 11, 2014

Until now we have considered two different simple methods for colouring vertices of graphs. Greedy colouring and recursive removal of independent subgraphs. Neither of which guarantee a colouring with the minimum number of colours under the most general conditions.

In the last few posts we did some simple experimentation to compare the total of chromatic numbers over all graphs on at most seven vertices against the total colours used by our greedy and recursive independent set extraction methods. This experimentation turned up some unexpected numbers and so it became necessary to investigate the data we have been using more closely so as to rule out corrupt data as a reason for the discrepancy.

We observed two things from these small experiments. Firstly, we observed that both methods used more colours than the minimum. We also observed that our NetworkX-based implementation of the greedy method appears to use many more colours than Joseph Culberson’s C version. For this reason we started to think about ways in which we could verify the data used.

As we know the distribution of chromatic numbers over small graphs, one method to verify the graph data we are using is to try to reproduce this chromatic distribution data.

In this post we therefore present an implementation of the chromatic number based on the chromatic polynomial. In upcoming posts we will return to the verification of experimental data collected in previous posts.

The Chromatic Polynomial

The chromatic polynomial \(\chi_{G}(\lambda)\) is the number of \(\lambda\)-colourings of \(G\). The chromatic polynomial is, as the name suggests, a polynomial function. To compute values of the chromatic polynomial, which can then be used to calculate the chromatic number, we will exploit the fact that it is a special case of the Tutte polynomial \(T_{G}(x, y)\).


$$\chi_{G}(\lambda) = (-1)^{\|V\| - \kappa(G)}\lambda^{\kappa(G)}T_{G}(1 - \lambda, 0)$$

The Tutte polynomial has been implemented by Björklund et al. (2008) in the tutte_bhkk module for NetworkX. Having an implementation of the Tutte polynomial, by the above Theorem, makes our job of implementing the chromatic polynomial a near triviality.

In the tutte_bhkk module there is a function tutte_poly which returns a nested list of coefficients of the Tutte polynomial. Our implementation of the chromatic polynomial will create a polynomial object rather than a coefficient list. So first we create a function that translates the tutte_bhkk coefficient list into a [sympy][sympy] polynomial. This is done by building a string representation of the Tutte polynomial of a graph and then using the ability of sympy.poly to construct a polynomial object from such a parameter string.

import sympy
from tutte import tutte_poly
import networkx as nx

def tutte_polynomial(G):
    T = tutte_poly(G)
    s = ' + '.join(['{0}*x**{1}*y**{2}'.format(T[i][j], i, j) for i in range(len(T)) for j in range(len(T[i]))])
    return sympy.poly(s)

With this function now we can find, for example, the Tutte polynomial of the Petersen graph.

P = nx.petersen_graph()

\(\operatorname{Poly}{\left( x^{9} + 6 x^{8} + 21 x^{7} + 56 x^{6} + 12 x^{5} y + 114 x^{5} + 70 x^{4} y + 170 x^{4} + 30 x^{3} y^{2} + 170 x^{3} y + 180 x^{3} + 15 x^{2} y^{3} + 105 x^{2} y^{2} + 240 x^{2} y + 120 x^{2} + 10 x y^{4} + 65 x y^{3} + 171 x y^{2} + 168 x y + 36 x + y^{6} + 9 y^{5} + 35 y^{4} + 75 y^{3} + 84 y^{2} + 36 y, x, y, domain=\mathbb{Z} \right)}\)

With the Tutte polynomial implemented as a sympy polynomial constructing the chromatic polynomial of a graph is a no more than a simple expression. For greater convenience we embody this expression in a function, chromatic_polynomial.

from import x,y,l

def chromatic_polynomial(G):
    k = nx.number_connected_components(G)
    tp = tutte_polynomial(G).subs({x: 1 - l, y: 0})
    return sympy.expand((-1)**(G.number_of_nodes() - k)*l**k*tp)

Returning to the Petersen graph, the chromatic polynomial is:

cp = chromatic_polynomial(P)

\(- l \operatorname{Poly}{\left( - l^{9} + 15 l^{8} - 105 l^{7} + 455 l^{6} - 1353 l^{5} + 2861 l^{4} - 4275 l^{3} + 4305 l^{2} - 2606 l + 704, l, domain=\mathbb{Z} \right)}\)

Now to use the chromatic polynomial to find the chromatic number of a graph it should be clear what we have to do. The Poly member function subs allows us to compute values of the chromatic polynomial. As there are no 2-colourings of the Petersen graph we expect that cp.subs(l, 2) is zero, which it is.

cp.subs(l, 2)

Then if we compute cp.subs(l, 3) we are not surprised to see a non-zero value because we already knew that the chromatic number of the Petersen graph is 3.

cp.subs(l, 3)

We see that the chromatic number of the Petersen graph is 3 because that is the least integral value of \(\lambda\) for which \(\chi(G, \lambda) > 0\), when \(G\) is the Petersen graph.

The same calculations for the Chvatal graph show that the chromatic number of the Chvatal graph is 4:

C = nx.chvatal_graph()
cp2 = chromatic_polynomial(C)

cp2.subs(l, 3)
cp2.subs(l, 4)

Apart from some simple cases with graphs with no edge or vertices the chromatic number is found by as the least \(\lambda \in \{1, \ldots, \Delta(G) + 1\}\) for which \(\chi(G, \lambda) > 0\).

def chromatic_number(G):
    if G.number_of_nodes() == 0:
        return 0
    elif G.number_of_edges() == 0:
        return 1
    elif G.number_of_edges() == 1:
        return 2
        p = chromatic_polynomial(G)
        for i in range(max( + 2):
            if p.subs(l, i) > 0:
                return i

Chromatic Numbers of Small Graphs

In this section we return again to the set of all graphs on at most seven vertices, albeit with more care than was given in previous posts. The first objective is to reproduce Gordon Royle’s table of chromatic numbers of small graphs as far as graphs on seven vertices. In doing this we recognise one reason for previously reported discrepant data. Royle’s table is a table of chromatic numbers for connected graphs whereas our approximations to the sum of all chromatic numbers were computed over the set of all graphs of order at most seven.

Below, we construct two lists data and c_data. The data list is populated with the chromatic number data for all graphs in the set graph_atlas_g() of all graphs on at most seven vertices. The c_data list records the same data but only for connected graphs.

from networkx.generators.atlas import graph_atlas_g
G = graph_atlas_g()

data = [8*[0] for i in range(8)]
c_data = [8*[0] for i in range(8)]

for g in G:
    n = g.number_of_nodes()
    c = chromatic_number(g)
    data[c][n] += 1
    if nx.number_connected_components(g) == 1:
        c_data[c][n] += 1

Creating a table of the distribution of chromatic numbers over all connected graphs of order at most seven we reproduce Royle’s data. The function html_table (not shown here) is based on Caleb Madrigal’s post Display List as Table in IPython Notebook.

from IPython.display import HTML

T = [['$\chi$','$n = 3$','$n = 4$','$n = 5$','$n = 6$','$n = 7$']]

rows = c_data[2:]

for i in range(len(rows)):
    R = [i + 2]
    for cell in rows[i][3:]:

$\chi$ $n = 3$ $n = 4$ $n = 5$ $n = 6$ $n = 7$
2 1 3 5 17 44
3 1 2 12 64 475
4 0 1 3 26 282
5 0 0 1 4 46
6 0 0 0 1 5
7 0 0 0 0 1

The same data over all graphs of order at most seven is given in the following table.

rows = data[2:]

T = [['$\chi$','$n = 3$','$n = 4$','$n = 5$','$n = 6$','$n = 7$']]

for i in range(len(rows)):
    R = [i + 2]
    for cell in rows[i][3:]:

$\chi$ $n = 3$ $n = 4$ $n = 5$ $n = 6$ $n = 7$
2 2 6 12 34 87
3 1 3 16 84 579
4 0 1 4 31 318
5 0 0 1 5 52
6 0 0 0 1 6
7 0 0 0 0 1

So this gives us some confidence in the NetworkX data as well as the above method for computing chromatic numbers.


Björklund, Andreas, Thore Husfeldt, Petteri Kaski, and Mikko Koivisto. 2008. “Computing the Tutte Polynomial in Vertex-Exponential Time.” In 2008 49th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 677–86.

Posted on:
July 11, 2014
7 minute read, 1364 words
python networkx sympy
See Also:
Greedy Edge Colouring of Small Graphs
More on Moore Graphs
Vertex Colouring by Recursive Removal of Independent Sets of Vertices