Colouring Small Graphs: Update

By Matthew Henderson in graph-theory

August 8, 2014

In Colouring Small Graphs we attempted to reproduce Gordon Royle’s data on the distribution of chromatic numbers of small graphs. We were partially successful, reproducing his results for graphs of order at most seven using the chromatic shell script built on the implementation of the Tutte polynomial by Haggard, Pearce, and Royle (2010) .

Our simulation, however, ran into difficulty with graphs of order eight. We found a distribution of chromatic numbers different from Royle’s. As we had been successful with smaller orders it seemed most likely that we had some issue with corrupt data. The small graph data we started with comes from a reliable source and therefore the corruption was probably introduced by our ad-hoc methods of translating formats.

Our format conversion had two steps. We started with McKay’s graph6 format data, first converting this into Dimacs format. Then we took the Dimacs format data and converted it into Graphviz DOT format. The reason behind the two step approach was that we had previously implemented Dimacs to DOT conversion in Sed. Since then, however, we have discovered that McKay’s gtools collection of programs from the nauty McKay and Piperno (2014) project already implements conversion to DOT format.

The second conversion step involved splitting one file containing one graph per line into a folder of files with one graph per file. We had written an AWK program to do this but have since discovered the csplit program in the GNU Coreutils package which is specifically for this purpose.

Using these more appropriate tools has solved the problem with our reproduction of Royle’s colouring data and in this post we reproduce his table of chromatic numbers of connected graphs as far as graphs of order eight.


We start with Brendan McKay’s small graph data files in graph6 format with one graph per line and one file per order. We consider only connected graphs.

The simulation itself aims to reproduce the table of chromatic numbers of small graphs of Gordon Royle.

To reproduce the desired output we follow three steps:

  1. Convert graph6 data into DOT data.
  2. Process DOT data. Compute the chromatic number of every graph and store chromatic numbers in per-order results files.
  3. Collate the per-order distributions into a table.

In previous posts we have tried, as far as possible, to emphasise the Unix pipeline approach to presenting a workflow. An advantage of this approach is a pipeline can be cut from the blog and pasted into a console to reproduce our simulation. A secondary benefit is that it encourages us to adhere to Unix philosophies like having small, orthogonal programs that can be combined together into pipelines to achieve more complicated tasks. We have also used Make as a more powerful language for expressing computational workflows. In this post we are going to use a Make-like tool Drake which is designed specifically for the task of expressing and automating a computational workflow. Drake is not part of GNU but it is free software.

In the rest of this post we describe each of the three steps above in more detail. At the end of this post is a Drakefile which can be used to reproduce the second two steps of our simulation. At the point of writing the data conversion step is embedded in a Makefile inside the graphs-collection project.

Convert Graph Data

This is much easier than before. The listg program in the gtools collection of programs can output graphs in DOT format by using the -y switch.

$ curl -s | listg -y
graph G1 {
graph G2 {
graph G3 {
graph G4 {
graph G5 {
graph G6 {

Now we split this output across several files using csplit.

| listg -y
| csplit -sz -b '%d.gv' -f '' - '/^graph.*/' '{*}'

The result of this pipeline are six files 0.gv through 5.gv containing the six graphs above.

Options for csplit are explained in the csplit manpage and in more detail in the [csplit documentation]( The relevant options in this case are

  • -s – Quiet output. Otherwise csplit prints out the size of each output file.
  • -z – Remove empty output files.
  • -b – This option has an argument describing the suffix format.
  • -f – Prefix format. We have chosen an empty prefix. The default is xx.

The hyphen in the option list represents standard input. After that comes two patterns. The first is used to decide where to split. In this case we begin on any line that begins with the string graph. The second '{*}' pattern tells csplit to repeat the splitting as many times as possible.

Process Graph Data

At this point we have a collection of files in DOT format representing all connected graphs of a certain order. For each graph we compute the chromatic number, using the chromatic script, and append the result to a file of chromatic numbers of all graphs of the same order.

In this section we describe the workflow using Drake, a Make-like program designed for describing and automating computational workflows.

Drake is used by writing a Drakefile. A Drakefile bears the same relation to Drake that a Makefile bears to Make. It contains a list of rules which describe how to make an output file from an input file, collection of input files or folder.

For example, if 4c_gv is a folder containing all connected graphs of order four then a Drake rule which generates a file 4c_chromatic.txt containing the chromatic numbers of all graphs in the folder looks like this.

4c_chromatic.txt <- 4c_gv
  for graph in $INPUTS/*;
   chromatic ${graph} >> $OUTPUT

The assignment of 4c.gv to the variable INPUTS and 4c_chromatic.txt to the variable OUTPUT is done automatically by Drake.

The body of this rule is something that can be used in the rules for graphs of other orders. So we create a method, compute_chromatic, and assign the method to rules using the [method: compute_chromatic] rule option.

  for graph in $INPUTS/*;
   chromatic ${graph} >> $OUTPUT

4c_chromatic.txt <- 4c_gv [method:compute_chromatic]

Analyse Results

The first stage of analysis is to take all the generated files of chromatic numbers and create new files containing the distribution of chromatic numbers. These files will contain two tab-separated columns. The first column being a list of possible chromatic numbers and the second being a count of graphs having that chromatic number.

For this purpose a Drake method make_distribution runs through a sequence of possible chromatic numbers. For each value grep counts the occurrences in the input file of that value and appends the result to an output file. The GNU Coreutils cut and paste are used, along with the arbitrary precision calculator language bc, to compute a total count for each chromatic number which is appended to the end of the output file.

  for j in `seq 1 8`
   echo -e $j'\t' `grep -c $j $INPUT` >> $OUTPUT
  echo -e Total:'\t' `cut -f 2 $OUTPUT | paste -sd+ | bc` >> $OUTPUT

4c_distribution.txt <- 4c_chromatic.txt [method:make_distribution]

The second task is to take all of the distribution files (one for each order) and build a table to match the Royle table. To do this a Drake rule takes the distribution files as input and produces, as output, a file table.txt containing the table. The work is done by GNU Coreutils paste and cut which are piped together to join all distribution files into a single file and then select the relevant columns to produce the final table.

table.txt <- 2c_distribution.txt,
  paste $INPUTS | cut -f 1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14 > $OUTPUT

The output of this rule is a file table.txt which contains the following table.

$$n = 2$$ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
$$\chi = 2$$ 0 1 3 5 10 15 26 37
3 0 1 5 14 46 123 350 772
4 0 0 0 10 55 258 749 1476
5 0 0 0 2 23 104 305 568
6 0 0 0 0 0 18 57 125
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 22
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total: 0 2 8 31 134 518 1496 3004

This table agrees with Royle’s as far as it goes. As yet we haven’t been able to extend our results to higher order because our brute-force-ish approach is too slow to process all 261080 connected graphs of order 9 in a reasonable amount of time. The good news, though, is that we have left plenty of room for improvement to the speed of our code and our approach should be ripe for parallelisation. So there is a good chance that in the future we can extend our table to match Royle’s at least as far as order 9.

Source Code


Haggard, Gary, David J. Pearce, and Gordon Royle. 2010. “Computing Tutte Polynomials.” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 37 (3): 24:1–17.

McKay, Brendan D., and Adolfo Piperno. 2014. “Practical Graph Isomorphism, II.” Journal of Symbolic Computation 60 (January): 94–112.

Posted on:
August 8, 2014
8 minute read, 1545 words
graph-colouring chromatic gtools drake coreutils
See Also:
Chromatic Indices of Small Graphs
Colouring Small Regular Graphs
Colouring Small Graphs