Improved Greedy Colouring of Small Graphs

By Matthew Henderson in graph-theory

June 27, 2014

In the previous post we conducted a small experiment to compare the total number of colours used by the greedy vertex colouring algorithm on a collection of small graphs. The aim of that experiment was to see whether, over a large number of graphs, the total number of colours used by different degree orderings was significant. The tool we used was NetworkX. In this post we revisit this experiment with Culberson’s colouring programs.

As Culberson’s implementation of the greedy colouring algorithm works with graphs in Dimacs format we need to first generate a collection of small graphs in that format. Fortunately, on the homepage of Brendan McKay there is a large collection of combinatorial data, including small graphs up to order 10. These graphs are in graph6 format but translating a graph from graph6 to Dimacs format is not too difficult thanks to some tools written by McKay for working with graphs in graph6 format.

So this is what we are going to do:

  1. Download small graphs in graph6 format from BDM’s combinatorial data pages.
  2. Convert all graphs from graph6 to Dimacs
  3. Split file of Dimacs graphs into files, each containing one graph.
  4. Colour graphs with ccli using different vertex orderings
  5. Compute total colouring numbers per ordering

Convert from graph6 to Dimacs

The graph6 format is a format devised by Brendan McKay for the nauty {% cite McKay201494 %} graph isomorphism software. In this post we won’t attempt to describe how this format is defined. For further information see the graph6 and sparse6 graph formats page on McKay’s homepage. Gordon Royle also has some useful information about graph6 and sparse6 formats on his homepage.

The program listg (and its companion showg) which belongs to the nauty project can display graph6 graphs in various human readable formats. One format which is easy to convert into other formats is the edge format.

$ curl -s\
  | listg -e

Graph 1, order 2.
2 0

Graph 2, order 2.
2 1
0 1

So in graph2.g6 there are two graphs. The first graph has 2 nodes and 0 edges. The second graph has 2 nodes and 1 edge. The edge joins vertices 0 and 1.

To convert one of these files into a file of graphs in Dimacs format we use a combination of Sed and AWK. A Sed one-liner can convert a list of edges of the form x y into the x -- y form used in Dimacs. AWK will enable us to process the file of graphs in the above edge-list format and apply to Sed one-liner to each graph. The Sed one-liner in question is:

sed -r -e 's/([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/ e \1 \2\n/g' $1

Now if we think of one of BDMs files as being made of records, each of which is a graph and consists of three lines, the third of which is the list of edges then we can use AWK to convert this into a file of DOT format graphs like so:

awk -f e2dimacs.awk output.txt > result.txt

where e2dimacs.awk is the following little snippet:

BEGIN { FS = "\n"; RS = "" }
      { print "p edge " $2 }
      { cmd="echo " $3 " | e2dimacs"; system(cmd) }

and the e2dimacs command is the above Sed one-liner.

Putting everything together into one pipeline:

$ curl -s\
  | listg -e\
  | awk -f e2dimacs.awk

p edge 2 0

p edge 2 1
 e 0 1

Split into individual files

Unfortunately, greedy expects that an input file contains a single graph to be coloured. This means that if we want to colour a collection of graphs in one file we have to split that file into many. One of the easiest methods is to use AWK.

Suppose we had redirected the output from the last command of the previous section into a file graph2.g6 then the following command

awk -f dimacs_split.awk graph2.dimacs

with dimacs_split.awk being the AWK program

BEGIN { FS = "\n"; RS = ""; n=0; }
      { print >> n".dimacs"; n++; }

Creates two files 0.dimacs and 1.dimacs, containing the first and second graph from the original graph6 file but now converted in Dimacs format.

Colour with greedy

At this point we have a collection of graphs each in a file of its own. We want to iterate all such files and run greedy with a specific ordering. This is easy if we know how many graphs are contained in the collection. We can just create a loop of the write length in Bash and at each step of the loop we call ccli with the correct parameters and the filename based on a loop index.

for n in {0..10};\
  ccli greedy --type=simple --ordering=inorder $n.dimacs;\

Compute colouring numbers

The output of calling greedy on a file n.dimacs is a file n.dimacs.res in the same folder as the first file and containing the colouring data. The line preceding the colouring itself also contains the number of colours used and we can extract this number using another Sed one-liner:

sed -n 's/CLRS \([0-9]*\) [A-Z a-z = 0-9 .]*/\1/p' *.dimacs.res

The file argument here expands to a list of all files with the suffix .dimacs.res. The output is then a list of numbers, each a number of colours used in a certain colouring. We want to total all of these numbers. There are several different ways of summing numbers in a file. One convenient approach combines the paste and bc commands. The following pipeline will find all colouring numbers for a collection of files and return the total number of colours used.

sed -n 's/CLRS \([0-9]*\) [A-Z a-z = 0-9 .]*/\1/p' *.dimacs.res\
| paste -s -d"+"\
| bc

Experiment Results

We put all of the steps together into a simulation. This simulation went through all graphs of order at most 8 and computed the total number of colours used by the greedy algorithm using four different orderings. The results are given in the table below.

ordering order $$\leq 7$$ order $$\leq 8$$
in order 3732 42603
random order 3906 44770
descending degree 3616 41102
ascending degree 3965 42181

As before we can see that descending degree is the best way to go, at least for graphs of order at most 8.

Source Code

Posted on:
June 27, 2014
5 minute read, 1040 words
graph-colouring ccli dimacs
See Also:
Colouring Small Regular Graphs
Colouring Small Graphs: Update
Colouring Small Graphs