Introduction to Greedy Colouring

By Matthew Henderson in graph-theory

May 23, 2014

In the post we discuss Joseph Culberson’s Graph Colouring Programs, a collection of C programs which can be downloaded from Culberson’s Graph Colouring Page.

This post has four sections. In the first, we show to use greedy in the manner it was designed to be used, interactively. In the second section we introduce a new wrapper interface, ccli, which can be used to drive greedy and the other of Culberson’s Colouring Programs in a non-interactive way which is suitable for automated experimentation and has benefits for reproducibility. In the third section we describe a general scheme for using greedy to approximate the chromatic number of graphs. In the final section we demonstrate this approach through a toy experiment into the chromatic number of queen graphs.

Interactive usage

All of Culberson’s Colouring Programs, including greedy, require input graph data to be given in DIMACS format. In this section we will demonstrate how to use greedy to find a colouring of the Chvatal Graph which can be found in DIMACS format in the graphs-collection collection of graphs.

To use greedy to colour a graph, call the program from the command-line and pass the path to the graph data in DIMACS format as an argument.

$ greedy chvatal.dimacs

After an interactive session, detailed below, the resulting colouring will be appended to a.res (where a is the original filename, including extension). This file will be created if it doesn’t already exist.

Before the colouring is produced, however, we have to participate in an interactive session with greedy to determine some options used by the program in producing the colouring. The first of these options is about whether we wish to a use a cheat colouring inside the input file as a target colouring. The purpose of this cheat is explained further in the greedy documentation. We won’t be using it here, so we respond negatively.

J. Culberson's Implementation of
A program for coloring graphs.
For more information visit the webpages at:

This program is available for research and educational purposes only.
There is no warranty of any kind.


Do you wish to use the cheat if present? (0-no, 1-yes)

The next option we are prompted for is a seed to be used for randomisation. This provides us with the ability to generate different random colourings and also to reproduce previously randomised colourings.

ASCII format
number of vertices = 12
p edge 12 24
Number of edges = 24 edges read = 24
GRAPH SETUP cpu =  0.00
Enter seed for search randomization:

Responding with 1 leads us to a choice about the type of greedy algorithm we want to use. There are six types. Again, for more information see the greedy documentation. For now we will use the simple greedy algorithm.

Process pid = 5315
    1	Simple Greedy
    2	Largest First Greedy
    3	Smallest First Greedy
    4	Random Sequence Greedy
    5	Reverse Order Greedy
    6	Stir Color Greedy
Which for this program

The next option concerns the way in which vertices are ordered before the algorithm starts running. The default is inorder, the order vertices are given in the input graph file.

Initial Vertex Ordering:
    1 -- inorder
    2 -- random
    3 -- decreasing degree
    4 -- increasing degree
    5 -- LBFS random
    6 -- LBFS decreasing degree
    7 -- LBFS increasing degree

Choosing inorder for our initial vertex ordering leads us to the final option, whether or not we wish the algorithm to use the method of Kempe reductions.

Use kempe reductions y/n

The output is in a file called chvatal.dimacs.res and, after only one call, looks like this:

CLRS 4 FROM GREEDY cpu =  0.00 pid = 5315
  1   2   1   2   3   1   2   1   2   3   4   4

This is to be interpreted as a colouring of vertices. The first vertex gets colour 1, the second colour 2, the third colour 1 and so on. With multiple calls this file is augmented with additional lines of data in this format. This gives us a simple way of collecting information about many different runs of the same program, possibly with different options, on the same data.

Non-Interactive Use

In some situations, especially when running multiple simulations with different parameters, it can be useful to use programs non-interactively. Other benefits to this approach are that it makes it easier to chain commands together in a shell environment, for example to take the output of a colouring program and use it as part of the input to another program that draws a graph and colours nodes according to the resulting colouring. Another benefit is that it makes easier the task of documenting and communicating experimental conditions. This, in turn, can have benefits for reproducibility of results.

For this reason we have developed ccli Culberson’s (Colouring Programs) Command-Line Interface, a wrapper script around Culberson’s programs that gives them a non-interactive interface. Although still under development, ccli currently can provide a complete interface to several of the programs, including greedy.

ccli is built on docopts and expect and requires both of those programs to be installed as well as Bash 4.0 or newer.

This is the usage pattern for ccli:

ccli algorithm [options] [--] <file>...

where algorithm is one of bktdsat, dsatur, greedy, itrgreedy, maxis or tabu. The options list allows us to specify any of the same options that we would specify with the interactive interface. For example, to use the embedded cheats we add the --cheat switch to the options list. For a full explanation of all options, consult the online documentation of ccli (ccli --help).

For example, to use ccli to colour the Chvatal graph file above with the greedy algorithm of simple type with inorder vertex ordering we call ccli like so:

ccli greedy --type=simple --ordering=inorder chvatal.res

Options that are not explicitly specified on the command-line default to values which can be seen in the usage documentation (ccli --help). For example, the default for --cheat is for it to be disabled.

As before, the colouring output of this call is augmented to the chvatal.col.res file. Future versions of ccli will support output to the standard output which will allow ccli to be used in the manner of other Unix programs discussed above.

Bounds for the Chromatic Number

The greedy algorithm, both in theory and practice, is a useful tool for bounding the chromatic number of graphs. For if we have a colouring of a graph with \(k\) colours then we know that the chromatic number of that graph is at most \(k\).

Imagine that we have used greedy many times to produce a file a.dimacs.res which contains many different colourings of the graph a.dimacs. Then we can use a sed one-liner to extract the number of colours used by each colouring and put the results into a file.

$ sed -n `s/CLRS \([0-9]+\) [A-Z a-z = 0-9 .]*/\1/p` a.dimacs > output.txt

Now output.txt should contain several lines, each containing a single integer, the number of colours used in the corresponding colouring. To find the smallest of these values is just a matter of sorting the file numerically and reading the value in the first line. We put this number into a file for later inspection.

$ sort -n output.txt | head -n 1 > approx.txt

Now the file approx.txt contains a our best estimate for the chromatic number.

Using these little hacks we can devise a simple scheme to use ccli to estimate the chromatic number of a graph.

  • Generate a large number of different colourings,
  • For each colouring, compute the colouring number,
  • Find the smallest colouring number over all colourings,
  • Record this value as an approximation to the chromatic number.

If the colourings that we generate are all the same colouring then all of the numbers are the same. If we use Culberson’s programs in a deterministic way then we can only hope to generate a number of colourings equal to the number of combinations of algorithm and vertex orderings. Fortunately, the non-deterministic features of these programs give us the chance to generate a lot of different colourings and hopefully come up with better approximations.

The design of ccli makes it very easy to generate a lot of colourings from the shell. We simply write a loop:

for (( i=1; i<=$1; ++i ))
 ccli greedy --type=$2 --ordering=$3 --seed=$RANDOM $4

This loop has been written in the form of a script which takes four parameters. The first is a number of iterations, the second is the algorithm type, third is the vertex ordering and the fourth is the path to the graph in DIMACS format. The $RANDOM variable is a Linux environment variable which generates a random integer and we this used to seed the random number generator in the greedy program. This means that each iteration produces a different colouring.

Bounds for the Chromatic Number of Queen Graphs

We have applied the above scheme to queen graphs A queen graph is a graph whose vertices are the squares of a chessboard and edges join squares if and only if queens placed on those squares attack each other.

The chromatic number of queen graphs is still an open problem in general. According to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences the chromatic number of the queen graph of size 26 is unknown. Chvatal claims that in 2005 a 26-colouring of the queen graph of dimension 26 was found and thus 27 is the smallest unknown order. This follows because the chromatic number of a \(n \times n\) queen graph is at least \(n\) and thus a 26-colouring of the \(26 \times 26\) queen graph proves that the chromatic number is 26.

In the table below we list graphs from Michael Trick’s colouring instances page In the first column is the chromatic number, if known. Subsequent columns give approximations based on different parameters for greedy. The parameters are described in the list below the table.

The final column is the quality of the approximation, given by the ratio of the least colouring number over all colourings \(\chi_{a}\) to the chromatic number \(\chi\).

Filename \(\chi\) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X \(\frac{\chi_{a}}{\chi}\)
queen5_5.col 5 5 - - - - - - - - - 1.000
queen6_6.col 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 - - - - 1.000
queen7_7.col 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 9 8 1.143
queen8_8.col 9 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 1.111
queen9_9.col 10 13 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 12 12 1.200
queen10_10.col 11 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 14 14 14 1.182
queen11_11.col 11 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1.364
queen12_12.col 12 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 1.333
queen13_13.col 13 19 18 18 18 18 17 18 18 18 18 1.308
queen14_14.col 14 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 1.357
queen15_15.col 15 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 1.333
queen16_16.col 16 23 23 22 21 22 21 21 22 22 22 1.312

The columns in the above table refer to the following parameter settings:

  1. --type=random --ordering=random (iterations 500)
  2. --type=random --ordering=random (iterations 1000)
  3. --type=random --ordering=random (iterations 5000)
  4. --type=simple --ordering=random (iterations 500)
  5. --type=simple --ordering=random (iterations 1000)
  6. --type=simple --ordering=random (iterations 5000)
  7. --type=simple --ordering=lbfsr (iterations 500)
  8. --type=simple --ordering=lbfsr (iterations 1000)
  9. --type=simple --ordering=lbfsr (iterations 5000) X. --type=random --ordering=lbfsd (iterations 10000)

Source Code

Posted on:
May 23, 2014
9 minute read, 1908 words
graph-colouring ccli
See Also:
Colouring Small Regular Graphs
Colouring Small Graphs: Update
Colouring Small Graphs