Lombardi Drawings

By Matthew Henderson in graph-theory

May 9, 2014

Mark Lombardi (1951–2000) was an American artist whose network diagrams, like the one below, reveal close connections between actors in the domains of international politics and finance.

In this post we examine recent work to emulate the aesthetic qualities of Lombardi’s drawings in the realm of graph drawing. More information about Mark Lombardi can be found in the papers Zdebik (2011) and Friedman (2011) and in this story from a 2003 episode of Morning Edition on NPR.

Detail from first rough draft of Mark Lombardi’s BNL, Reagan, Bush, & Thatcher and the Arming of Iraq, ca. 1983-91 (1995)

Lombardi’s diagrams have very strong aesthetic qualities. These qualities have been attributed, in part, to his use of circular arcs for edges as well as his efforts to achieve equal spacing of edges around node perimeters; so-called perfect angular resolution.

In Duncan et al. (2010) the notion of a Lombardi drawing of a graph is introduced. Such a drawing has perfect angular resolution as well as circular arc edges. The authors describe several methods for finding Lombardi drawings of graphs and they introduce a Python program called the Lombardi Spirograph which can produce Lombardi drawings of graphs.

In this post we will demonstrate how to use the Lombardi Spirograph to draw certain named graphs, how to use options to customise drawings and we will give two examples of the special input language for drawing graphs other than named ones.

Drawing Named Graphs

The basic usage pattern for the Lombardi Spirograph is:

$ python LombardiSpirograph.py [options] graph_name > output.svg

where graph_name is to be replaced by either one of the names of the known named graphs or by a description of a graph using the specialist input language.

For example, to draw the Grötzsch graph with the default options:

$ python LombardiSpirograph.py grotzsch > grotzsch.svg

Which results in the following drawing:

Lombardi Spirograph drawing of Groetzsch graph


The Lombardi Spirograph allows customisation of several aspects of the produced drawing. We can scale the drawing and choose different styling options for the vertices: the colour, size and whether vertices have visible outlines or not. For example, to draw the Grötzsch graph again, slightly larger with smaller blue nodes not having visible outlines:

$ python LombardiSpirograph.py \
    --scale=1.2 \
    --color=blue \
    --radius=0.8 \
    --outline \
    grotzsch > grotzsch_alt.svg

Lombardi Spirograph drawing of Groetzsch graph

Drawing Other Graphs

The input language for drawing other graphs is described by the authors in the Lombardi Spirograph online documentation. The description can be read by running the program with the --format flag.

$ python LombardiSpirograph.py --format

The graph should be described as a sequence of alphanumeric words, separated either by spaces or by blank lines. The first word gives the order of symmetry of the drawing (the number of vertices in each concentric layer) and each subsequent word describes the vertices in a single layer of the graph.

Each word after the first takes the form of a (possibly empty) sequence of letters followed by a (possibly empty) number. The letters describe edges connecting two vertices in the same layer: “a” for a connection between consecutive vertices in the same layer, “b” for a connection between vertices two steps away from each other, etc. The letters should be listed in the order the connections should appear at the vertex, starting from the edge closest to the center of the drawing and progressing outwards. Only connections that span less than half the circle are possible, except that the first layer may have connections spanning exactly half the circle.

The numeric part of a word describes the connection from one layer to the next layer. If this number is zero, then vertices in the inner layer are connected to vertices in the next layer radially by straight line segments. Otherwise, pairs of vertices from the inner layer, the given number of steps apart, are connected to single vertices in the outer layer. A nonzero number written with a leading zero (e.g. “01” in place of “1”) indicates that, as well as connections with the given number of steps, there should also be a radial connection from the inner layer to the next layer that has vertices aligned with it; this may not necessarily be the layer immediately outward.

In the innermost layer, the special word “x” may be used to indicate that the layer consists of a single vertex at the center of the drawing. “x0” indicates that this central vertex is connected both to every vertex in the adjacent layer and also to every vertex in the next layer that is staggered with respect to the inner two layers.

Below are two examples. The icosahedron, which is one of the named graphs, and the Petersen graph, which is also named but in a different way than in the example below.

Example 1 – Icosahedron

A possible code for a Lombardi drawing of the icosahedron is 3-a01-01-1-a. The drawing that results is:

Lombardi Spirograph drawing of Icosahedron graph

Here is how to interpret the graph description and see how the above drawing is produced from it.

  • 3 - Gives the order of symmetry (vertices in each layer);
  • a01 - describes connections with vertices in first (innermost) layer;
    • a - consecutive vertices in this layer are joined by an edge;
    • 01 - pairs of vertices one step apart in this layer are joined to vertices in the next layer and there are radial lines to the next aligned layer (in this case the third);
  • 01 - pairs of vertices in second layer which are one step apart in this layer are joined to vertices in the next layer and there are radial lines to the next aligned layer (the fourth);
  • 1 - pairs of vertices in second layer which are one step apart in this layer are joined to vertices in the next layer;
  • a - consecutive vertices in fourth (outermost) layer are joined by an edge.

Example 2 – The Petersen Graph

According to the above description we can deduce that 5-b0-a is a representation of a drawing of the Petersen graph. The drawing produced by the Lombardi Spirograph is shown below.

Lombardi Spirograph drawing of Petersen graph


Duncan, Christian A., David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov, and Martin Nöllenburg. 2010. “Lombardi Drawings of Graphs.” arXiv:1009.0579 [Cs], September. http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.0579.

Friedman, Alon. 2011. “Mark Lombardi’s Visualization Discovery.” https://works.bepress.com/alon-friedman/13/.

Zdebik, Jakub. 2011. “Networks of Corruption: The Aesthetics of Mark Lombardi’s Relational Diagrams.” RACAR: Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review 36 (2): 66–77. https://www.jstor.org/stable/42630846.

Posted on:
May 9, 2014
5 minute read, 1040 words
graph-drawing python
See Also:
Greedy Edge Colouring of Small Graphs
More on Moore Graphs
Chromatic Polynomials