Plane Drawings of Lobsters

By Matthew Henderson in graph-theory

April 25, 2014

In this post we show how to use Gephi to find a nice drawing of a graph with hundreds of vertices.

A nice drawing here means one with few edge crossings whose nodes are evenly distributed over a fixed area and has a small number of different edge lengths.

Ideally we would like to find a reproducible method for drawing graphs which always produces a nice drawing in the above sense. The method demonstrated below does not entirely achieve this but might be a useful step in the right direction.

In future posts we hope to develop these methods by using scriptable tools and other improved techniques to enhance the reproducibility of this method.

Lobster graphs

From MathWorld:

a lobster is a tree having the property that the removal of leaves leaves a caterpillar


a caterpillar is a tree such that removal of its endpoints leaves a path graph.

A drawing of a lobster graph on 13 vertices.

Figure 1: A lobster graph on 13 vertices

Lobsters, being trees, are planar graphs. So plane drawings of small lobsters, like the one above, can be achieved easily. Notice that although this drawing is not especially elegant one it does have the dual benefit of making both the planarity and the lobsterity of the graph clear.

For comparison, consider the following drawing of a large lobster graph.

A drawing of a lobster graph on 287 vertices. This drawing just looks like a mess of intersecting lines.

Figure 2: A lobster graph on 287 vertices

In this drawing neither the planarity nor the lobsterity of the graph are apparent.

This lobster graph has 287 vertices and, being a tree, 286 edges was generated in Python using NetworkX.

The following command creates a file in Graph Exchange Format (GEXF).

$ python -c "import networkx as nx;nx.write_gexf(nx.random_lobster(100, 0.5, 0.5, seed=0), 'lobster.gexf')"

random_lobster(n, p, q, seed=None) returns a lobster with approximately n vertices in the backbone, backbone edges with probability p and leaves with probability q.

The seed is set to zero for the sake of reproducibility.

Force-directed drawing algorithms

The type of drawing we are looking for, one with as few edge crossings and different edge lengths as possible is the kind of drawing that force-directed algorithms are designed to produce. Force-directed drawing algorithms use simulations of forces between nodes to decide node placements. Electrical forces have the effect of making non-adjacent nodes move further apart and spring forces between adjacent nodes have the effect of reducing variability of edge lengths.

Gephi makes the standard Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm available alongside a layout method called Force-Atlas.

These two layout methods, although both built on force-directed foundations, produce wildly different layouts with the same lobster graph input.

Beginning with random placement of nodes, the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm implementation in Gephi produces a layout having uniform distribution of nodes across a disk. Albeit one having very many edge-crossings.

A drawing of the same lobster graph on 287 vertices as before. But this drawing has fewer crossings and line lengths. Also the nodes are distributed evenly across the surface of a disk.

Figure 3: A lobster graph on 287 vertices

This is a well-known problem with force-directed methods. The algorithm has probably discovered a local minimum. Unfortunately this local minimum is far from the global minimum.

The Force-Atlas algorithm, on the other hand, creates a layout which has few crossings but without the nice node distribution of the Fruchterman-Reingold layout.

Yet another drawing of the same lobster graph on 287 vertices. In this drawing most of the nodes and edges lie in a sequence along a line with only a few edges and vertices to the sides.

Figure 4: A lobster graph on 287 vertices

Gephi makes it easy to experiment with combining methods to produce a layout which has the benefits of both.

Combining Force-Atlas and Fruchterman-Reingold Layout Algorithms

First using the Force-Atlas method to find a nearly plane drawing and then using the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm on the resulting drawing produces a new drawing that is both nearly planar and has evenly distributed nodes with relatively few different edge lengths.

The final drawing of the lobster graph on 287 vertices. Vertices are distributed evenly across the surface of a disk. Most line lengths are very similar. There are few crossings.

Figure 5: A lobster graph on 287 vertices

Another benefit of Gephi, not illustrated here, is that some of the layout methods allow for interaction during execution. This means that, where there are edge-crossings we can manually move vertices around a little bit to help eliminate them. So a layout like the one shown, which has few edge crossings can probably be improved to a plane drawing with a little manual interaction.

Posted on:
April 25, 2014
4 minute read, 656 words
graph-drawing python networkx gephi
See Also:
Greedy Edge Colouring of Small Graphs
More on Moore Graphs
Chromatic Polynomials